Building Location:
206 Hawkins Street
Whitehorse, YT Y1A1X4
Location Context:
This block of Hawkins Street represented the southerly limit of the populated area of Whitehorse up until the 1942 influx; beyond this street was only forest. At one point, this block was an area with many heritage houses, being the location of the Chantler House and Reddick House.
Two-storey Frame House with Porch

Architectural History:
This 1-1/2 storey frame house has a gable roof and hip roofed porch at the entry. It has a full concrete basement and narrow bevel siding on exterior with wooden ornamentation in order to reflect the period and style.
A fireplace was added to the basic structure in 1936. An extension of a kitchen and bathroom to rear of the building and an expanded entry to the basement were added in 1954.
Cultural History:
The house was built between 1908 and 1910 by Albert E. Henderson, a shipyard foreman in charge of repairs to the British Yukon Navigation Co’s four steamers. By 1917, he became superintendent of the B.Y.N. Co.
The house was next owned by H.G. MacPherson, a general merchant/druggist who operated the Central Drug Store on Front Street. John Henderson Scott and his family moved into the house in 1927. His son John Scott, the current owner of the house, took occupancy in 1954.
The front end of the house has remained faithful to its original style and construction; alterations have been made to the kitchen and bathroom in the rear. The house contains some original wood flooring that was obtained by Henderson from the ships he worked on.
Biographical Information:
Albert E. Henderson: Began as officer in the Canadian Development Company, which became an adjunct to White Pass in 1901; shipyard foreman in charge of repairs to BYN ships. By 1917, he became a superintendent of BYN Co.
H.G. MacPherson: general merchant and druggist.
J.C. Newmarch: bank manager, occupied house in 1923.
John Henderson Scott: clerk-cashier for White Pass (1898-1915); miner, insurance agent and fuel agent for W.P.
Hamiliton Dagish: postmaster John Scott: b. 1910, son of John Henderson Scott, came to Whitehorse in 1922 to live with father. Mining engineer: re-opened the Venus mine. Constructed Calumet-Elsa Aerial Tramway in 1938. Began Yukon Hydro Co. in 1941 with brother-in-law John Phelps and father-in-law Willard Phelps. Currently resides in Whitehorse: purchased 204 Hawkins (Chantler House) next door which was demolished in 1989.
Current Use: | Residence |
Past Use: | Residence |
Condition: | Good |
Foundation/Floor: | Good |
Walls: | Good |
Windows/Doors: | Good |
Roof: | Good |