Building Location:
602 Strickland Street
Whitehorse, YT
Location Context:
Two-storey Log House

Architectural History:
It is 1 1/2-storey original log structure with a gable roof. Asphalt roof shingles and log siding cover the exterior of the building.
There are additions of a frame portion to south east section of structure and two shed dormers on the second level.
Cultural History:
“Still, life in Whitehorse wasn’t as cheap and simple as it could have been. The cost of real estate was considered high for that point in time, and the Firths finally ended up purchasing a part-log building at 6th Avenue and Strickland Street to house their growing family. The place was constructed of old telephone poles and cost them $7000. A couple of remodelling sessions and the addition of a cement base tacked another $4000 on to the final price.” (from the Whitehorse Star, 1978-06-04)
This house was likely built around 1950. It was purchased by Howard and Nancy Firth in 1954, shortly after they moved to Whitehorse, bringing their family and the Firth insurance legacy with them.