S&A Club Café

Building Location: 

107 Jarvis Street

Whitehorse, YT Y1A2G7

Location Context: 

Refer to the O’Connor House; the Rosenburg House; the Blaker House; the Palmer House; the 98 Hotel. Demolished 2007.


1-1/2 Storey Frame Building

Architectural History: 

It was a wood frame building with a gable roof and false façade. The foundation was a wood sill construction. It also had bevel wood siding covered with aluminium and plywood exterior siding. The roof was covered with roll asphalt.

Cultural History: 

This frame structure was constructed during WW II as a retail/commercial business. The earliest taxes were paid on this lot in November 1943, when the building was registered as a restaurant business. This occupant was the Social and Athletic Club Café, or the S&A Café, as it was popularly known. The proprietors of this business were S. Wong and M. Nadic.

The building housed various businesses since then.

Current Use: Demolished in 2007
Past Use: Restaurant, video store